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Details Actions

This section covers actions for addresses-derived actions used to get further details for a previously matched address.

Address Details Actions require an active investigation. To generate an investigation token, you will need first to make an Address Match request.

Example workflow
  1. Use the Address Match action to search for addresses:

    Example Address Match Response
    "addressMatch": {
    "matches": [
    "matchId": "A_3991890961CH49GB",
    "address": {
    "building": "THE FOUNDATION",
    "thoroughfare": "HERONS WAY",
    "locality": "CHESTER",
    "postalCode": "CH4 9GB",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM"
    "sources": [
    "name": "Companies House",
    "years": []
    "name": "Land Registry Commercial",
    "meta": {
    "traceId": "76e66872-efe7-44f0-9f05-d5411a76f2af",
    "timestamp": "2023-10-12T17:55:16.207Z",
    "investigationToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhZGRyZXNzLW1hdGNoLXNlcnZpY2UiLCJleHAiOjE2OTcyMTk3MTYsInRyYWNlSWQiOiI3NmU2Njg3Mi1lZmU3LTQ0ZjAtOWYwNS1kNTQxMWE3NmYyYWYiLCJtYXRjaElkcyI6IkFfMzk5MTg5MDk2MUNINDlHQiJ9.seqa6euQ-OA7-PEVu1q-4v9h0z2v6Y_BYRcCg9B3RcM"
    "erroredResponses": [],
    "tags": []
  2. Choose a MatchId to make subsequent requests to the address details actions:

    For LAW Users

    You can directly make subsequent requests with the chosen MatchId, including multiple requests for different MatchIds

    For Non-LAW Users

    Include the addressMatch.meta.investigationToken as header x-investigation-token for all subsequent requests to the address details actions. Please note that a non LAW user can only retrieve details for up to 5 matched addresses per investigation.

  3. Some details responses may return newer MatchIds and a refreshed investigationToken. These can be used to make further requests for more details. This allows for a continuous investigation where you can retrieve more and more details as they become available. For more details on how to conduct a continuous investigation, check out the Continuous Investigation page.