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Address Match

The Address Match action is one of the primary services within the Investigate Open API.

This action enables you to submit available information about a data subject.

Minimum Requirements​

The AddressMatch request requires inputs of Address only which are defined in: Addresses Search.

Service Request​

To request for an Address match, add a ADDRESS_MATCH action to the request body entity AddressesActionsRequest:

"actions": [
{ "action": "ADDRESS_MATCH" }


Array of objects (AddressesAction)

Actions to run with the given criteria

object (Address)

Address format used across the Investigate API

Array of integers <int32> (SourceYears) [ items <int32 > ]

Years when the matching datasets stored by GBG were issued. This could support customers compliance requirements.

Array of strings

Free text tags for tracking purposes

  • "actions": [
  • "address": {
  • "sourceYears": [
  • "tags": [

Service Response​

As part of the AddressesActionsResponse entity, the property addressMatch contains the results of the request.


Array of objects (AddressMatch)

List of matched addresses

object (Meta)

Metadata describing the response produced.

  • "matches": [
  • "meta": {