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Changes may be made to our without a change in version number, provided the change follows our backwards compatibility guidelines (see below).

Different versions will be managed via URI segments indicating the version of the API that the client is using.

Available versions​

You can find the list of available versions in any of the sites in which this contract is documented:

Top right corner.

Selecting the contract version​

The Investigate API implements URL-based versioning, so each request must contain a explicit requested version.


URLs follow the pattern<version>/<endpoint>. Example:

Backwards compatibility​

The following changes are considered to be backwards-compatible:

  • Adding new API endpoints; new endpoints are independent.
  • Adding new optional request parameters to existing API calls.
  • Adding new response properties to existing API calls. You should pay particular attention to this point if - you are mapping your JSON responses to another programming language construct.
  • Changing of the property order in existing API responses.
  • Changing the length of object IDs.
  • Changing the messages returned by validation or other error messages.

Concurrent supported versions​

For full terms and conditions around support of API versions, see Investigate API Standard Support Schedule.