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Deceased Register

The Deceased Register action provides information about individuals who have passed away, including their name, date and place of death, case reference number, and other details that may be available.

This action can be used to retrieve information about deceased individuals by providing their person MatchId and a valid x-investigation-token.

To use this action, you first need to make a Person Match request to retrieve an InvestigationToken and a MatchId for the individual you are interested in. Individuals who have passed away will have one of their addresses marked with a positive hasMortalityRecord. You can then use this person MatchId and x-investigation-token to make additional requests to the Deceased Register action to retrieve information about their deaths.

Service Request​

To request for a Deceased Register, add DECEASED_REGISTER action to the request body entity PeopleDetailsActionsRequest:

"actions": [
"matchId": "P_000000000"
Array of objects (PeopleDetailsAction)
string (MatchId)

Identifier of a matched person, business or address that can then be used to request more details of the match.

Array of strings

Free text tags for tracking purposes.

  • "actions": [
  • "matchId": "P_1955F18491918",
  • "tags": [

A valid x-investigation-token header must be included in the request.

Service Response​

The Deceased Register action returns a JSON object containing information about the deceased individual included in PeopleDetailsActionsResponse's deceasedRegister property.

object (DeceasedRegister)
  • "deceasedRegister": {
A standard example workflow is detailed in Details Actions page​