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Mobile Verification

Mobile verification can contain details such as whether a mobile is valid/invalid as well as information around porting and roaming.

Minimum Requirements​

mobileFull mobile without or without country prefix

Service Request​

To request a Mobile Verification, add a MOBILE_VERIFICATION action to the request body entity PeopleActionsRequest:

"actions": [


Array of objects (PersonAction)

Actions to run with the given criteria

object (PersonRequest)

Person format used across the Investigate API

object (Address)

Address format used across the Investigate API

Array of strings (Cohabitants)

Cohabitants at given address

Array of integers <int32> (SourceYears) [ items <int32 > ]

Years when the matching datasets stored by GBG were issued. This could support customers compliance requirements.

Array of strings

Free text tags for tracking purposes.

  • "actions": [
  • "person": {
  • "address": {
  • "cohabitants": [
  • "sourceYears": [
  • "tags": [

Service Response​

As part of the PersonActionsResponse entity, the property mobileVerification contains the results of the request.


Array of objects (MobileVerificationAction)
object (Meta)

Metadata describing the response produced.

  • "result": [
  • "meta": {

If no Mobile Verification has been requested, the response is empty.

If a Mobile Verification has been requested, the following response is available:

mobileVerificationmobileThe mobile number supplied
resultThe response will be based on the status supplied through the Contact Verification Result.
originalCountryNameThe originating country where the mobile was registered
originalNetworkNameThe originating network provider with whom the mobile was first registered

Boolean value to derive whether the mobile has been ported

True: The mobile has been ported

False: The mobile has not been ported


The network name the mobile has been ported to

If the ported value is false, then this is blank.


Boolean value to derive whether the mobile is deemed as roaming and out of the country

True: The mobile has been flagged as roaming.

False: The mobile has been flagged as not roaming.


The network name the mobile was last seen roaming

If roaming value is false, then this is blank.