Person Actions
A Person Action is an individual service that can be requested at any time within the process and can provide additional data subject detail.
The currently available Person Actions are:
📄️ Person Match
The Person Match action is one of the primary services within the Investigate Open API.
📄️ Email Verification
Email verification can contain details such as whether an email is valid/invalid as well as if it's disposable and role based.
📄️ Landline Verification
Landline verification can contain details such as whether a landline is valid or invalid.
📄️ Mobile Verification
Mobile verification can contain details such as whether a mobile is valid/invalid as well as information around porting and roaming.
📄️ Credit Linked Address Check
Credit Linked Addresses can contain up to a six-year address history of a data subject.
📄️ Credit Linked Addresses Plus Check
Credit Linked Addresses can contain all address history of a data subject.
📄️ County Court Judgments Check
County Court Judgments can contain details of any CCJ associated with a data subject and include details such as dates, amount, and satisfied/unsatisfied status.
📄️ Phonebook Search
Phonebook Search is a service that allows you to obtain information about a person's phone number based on their
📄️ Property Ownership
Property Ownership is a service that verifies whether a person is or was a registered owner of a given address. This